Subcontract Specialist
Staffing and Recruitment
14 days ago
Posted date14 days ago
No experience / No degreeMinimum level
No experience / No degreeZakres obowiązków:
With over 90 years' combined experience, NES Fircroft (NES) is proud to be the world's leading engineering staffing provider spanning the Oil & Gas, Power & Renewables, Chemicals, Construction & Infrastructure, Life Sciences, Mining and Manufacturing sectors worldwide. With more than 80 offices in 45 countries, we are able to provide our clients with the engineering and technical expertise they need, wherever and whenever it is needed. We offer contractors far more than a traditional recruitment service, supporting with everything from securing visas and work permits, to providing market-leading benefits packages and accommodation, ensuring they are safely and compliantly able to support our clients.
- Poszukiwanie firm do współpracy.
- Identyfikowanie, analizowanie i weryfikowanie wszystkich dokumentów umownych.
- Tworzenie, negocjowanie i podpisywanie umów i kontraktów oraz monitorowanie ich realizacji.
- Wystawianie oraz rozliczanie faktur.
- Negocjowanie i koordynowanie postanowień wszelkich umów i kontraktów.
- Dbanie o to, aby wszystkie warunki umów i kontraktów były właściwie spełnione.
- Sporządzanie i przeglądanie dokumentacji, takiej jak protokoły, informacje.
- Wiedza techniczna budowlana.
- Umiejętność negocjacjowania i utrzymania relacji z klientami i kontrahentami.
- Doświadczenie na projektach budowlanych w sektorze przemysłowym lub drogowym (Oil&Gas będzie dodatkowym atutem).
- Dyspozycyjność do pracy 100% w biurze.
With over 90 years' combined experience, NES Fircroft (NES) is proud to be the world's leading engineering staffing provider spanning the Oil & Gas, Power & Renewables, Chemicals, Construction & Infrastructure, Life Sciences, Mining and Manufacturing sectors worldwide. With more than 80 offices in 45 countries, we are able to provide our clients with the engineering and technical expertise they need, wherever and whenever it is needed. We offer contractors far more than a traditional recruitment service, supporting with everything from securing visas and work permits, to providing market-leading benefits packages and accommodation, ensuring they are safely and compliantly able to support our clients.