For Employers
Nuclear Shift Supervisor_SRO_PWR-SAL
a month ago
Posted date
a month ago
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OtherJob category
Job Number: 6474

External Description:

Job Summary

Provide direct oversight of our Salem Power Plant operations including directing reactor operators in plant operations, Nuclear Equipment Operators in field operations, procedure use and tagging evolutions.

Job Responsibilities

  • Authorize maintenance and testing activities to ensure equipment status is maintained.
  • Implement Emergency Operating procedures and direct the required procedural steps to stabilize the plant following emergency or abnormal conditions.
  • Evaluate and respond to issues, findings, open items and requests originating internally and externally from the organization.
  • Oversee special projects determined by the Operations Director/Operations Managers.
  • Responsible for creating, revising, and reviewing Emergency Operating Procedures and Abnormal Operating Procedures to support safe, efficient, cost effective operation of the Nuclear Generating Station Units.
  • Position is also responsible for reviewing design and license changes for procedure impact, performing 10CFR50.59 applicability reviews and Station Qualified Reviewer (SQR) reviews, and supporting outages and various special projects.
  • Off-hours, weekend and shift work is required.

Job Specific Qualifications

  • High School Diploma or GED
  • Four years Nuclear or Commercial Power Plant Experience.
  • Must be capable of qualifying for and obtaining SRO license to operate a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) or Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Plants (Hope Creek or Salem Station).
  • Prior Supervisory Experience
  • Qualified (or capable of becoming qualified) as a SQR and a Safety Evaluation preparer/reviewer/approver.
  • Must meet and maintain Nuclear unescorted site access.
  • Must pass a First Line Supervisor's Test (FLST) unless presently and directly supervising PSEG (i.e. responsible for performance review) blue collar, operating department/ represented associates for a minimum of 12 continuous months. For those who have previously taken and received an acceptable score on the FLST but who are not presently and directly supervising represented associates, test results will be valid for a maximum period of two years from the date the test was taken. Acceptable test results exceeding the two year period (for those applicants not presently and directly supervising represented associates) cannot be used in bidding on or applying for a first line supervisory position for which the test was validated.

  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Navy Nuclear EWS, EOOW, PPS, RO Qualification

Job Number: RQ#81012

Community / Marketing Title: Nuclear Shift Supervisor_SRO_PWR-SAL

Location_formattedLocationLong: Salem, New Jersey US
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Nuclear Shift Supervisor_SRO_PWR-SAL
a month ago