Lead CMM Programmer

GE Renewable Energy Power and Aviation
Job Description Summary
The Lead CMM programmer will demonstrate leadership in supporting the plant CMM measurement needs including Program revision control. In the Lead CMM programmer role, you will utilize your experience and expertise to solve CMM problems, develop and execute program objectives, and manage CMM program schedules.
Job Description
Roles and Responsibilities
Required Qualifications
Desired Characteristics
Healthcare benefits include medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug coverage; access to a Health Coach, a 24/7 nurse-based resource; and access to the Employee Assistance Program, providing 24/7 confidential assessment, counseling and referral services. Retirement benefits include the GE Retirement Savings Plan, a tax-advantaged 401(k) savings opportunity with company matching contributions and company retirement contributions, as well as access to Fidelity resources and planning consultants. Other benefits include tuition assistance, adoption assistance, paid parental leave, disability insurance, life insurance, and paid time-off for vacation or illness.
General Electric Company, Ropcor, Inc., their successors, and in some cases their affiliates, each sponsor certain employee benefit plans or programs (i.e., is a "Sponsor"). Each Sponsor reserves the right to terminate, amend, suspend, replace, or modify its benefit plans and programs at any time and for any reason, in its sole discretion. No individual has a vested right to any benefit under a Sponsor's welfare benefit plan or program. This document does not create a contract of employment with any individual.
This role requires access to U.S. export-controlled information. If applicable, final offers will be contingent on ability to obtain authorization for access to U.S. export-controlled information from the U.S. Government.
Additional Information
GE Aerospace offers a great work environment, professional development, challenging careers, and competitive compensation. GE Aerospace is an Equal Opportunity Employer . Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, protected veteran status or other characteristics protected by law.
GE Aerospace will only employ those who are legally authorized to work in the United States for this opening. Any offer of employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of a drug screen (as applicable).
Relocation Assistance Provided: Yes
The Lead CMM programmer will demonstrate leadership in supporting the plant CMM measurement needs including Program revision control. In the Lead CMM programmer role, you will utilize your experience and expertise to solve CMM problems, develop and execute program objectives, and manage CMM program schedules.
Job Description
Roles and Responsibilities
- Develop and validate Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM) programs and calibrations used to support the manufacturing efforts for GE Aviation Wilmington
- Plan and specify CMM purchases necessary to inspect drawing and specification requirements
- Plan and coordinate the activities of the entire CMM staff by managing CMM calibration responsibilities as assigned including: CMM programming / calibration; Measurement Audit Support; CMM Program revision control
- Plan and coordinate the CMM area activities around Program Schedules, Calibration, Audit Support and Program Software Quality Assurance controls
- Responsible for the measurement accuracy of all CMM measurement systems
- Conduct training CMM inspection and programming as needed
- Act as plant expert and interface regarding CMM measurements
- Ensure a means of collecting and distributing compiled information in order to improve quality
- Responsible for the administration of the plant CMM's, including implementation and maintenance to regulatory requirements and standards such as applicable ISO standards
- Read and interpret drawings and other quality control requirements using Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) and sound metrology principals
- Ensure safe practices are used in compliance with all governmental regulations
- Work with Quality team to drive inspection process improvements
- Drive Lean effort within manufacturing focusing on Quality
Required Qualifications
- B a c h elo r ' s deg r e e f r o m an a cc r ed i t ed u n i v e r s i t y o r c o ll ege (Or a h ig h s c h o ol d i p l oma / G E D with a m i n i mum of 4 years o f ex p e r i e n c e i n e n gi n e e r i n g or q u ali t y) + 3 years CMM programming experience including MODUS and PCDMIS ( i nc l ud i n g exp e r i e n c e with e d i t i n g and c o n t r ol li n g C M M p r ogram r ev i s i o n s) for aviation hardware
Desired Characteristics
- St r o n g o r ga n iza t i o n al , an al ytic, a n d p r ob l e m - so l v i n g sk ill s
- Ab ili t y t o w o r k in c r os s - f u n c t i o n a l t eams i n a m a t r i x e n v ir o n m e n t with a l l levels o f p e r s o n n el
- St r o n g w o r k i n g k n o w l ed g e o f Ma n uf a c t u r i n g and Qu a li t y ope r a t i o n s
- Ab ili t y t o p la n , p r i o r i t i z e, a n d m a n ag e multi pl e p r i o r i t i es u n d er t igh t dea dli n e s
- Ab ili t y t o c oa c h , m a n ag e, c h a n g e a n d f a c ili t a t e t eam pe r f o r m an c e
- Ab ili t y t o a n al y z e p r ob l em s, i d e nt i fy r o ot c a us e s a n d pr o v i de eff i c i e n t so l ut i o n s
- Ab ili t y t o d r i ve ch a n g e
- D em o n s t r a t ed o r a l and w ri tt e n c om m u n i c a t i on sk ill s
- St r o n g i n t e r p e r s o n a l and l ea d e r s h i p sk ill s
- S i x S ig ma tr ai n i n g
- Humble: respectful, receptive, agile, eager to learn
- Transparent: shares critical information, speaks with candor, contributes constructively
- Focused: quick learner, strategically prioritizes work, committed
- Leadership ability: strong communicator, decision-maker, collaborative
- Problem solver: analytical-minded, challenges existing processes, critical thinker
Healthcare benefits include medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug coverage; access to a Health Coach, a 24/7 nurse-based resource; and access to the Employee Assistance Program, providing 24/7 confidential assessment, counseling and referral services. Retirement benefits include the GE Retirement Savings Plan, a tax-advantaged 401(k) savings opportunity with company matching contributions and company retirement contributions, as well as access to Fidelity resources and planning consultants. Other benefits include tuition assistance, adoption assistance, paid parental leave, disability insurance, life insurance, and paid time-off for vacation or illness.
General Electric Company, Ropcor, Inc., their successors, and in some cases their affiliates, each sponsor certain employee benefit plans or programs (i.e., is a "Sponsor"). Each Sponsor reserves the right to terminate, amend, suspend, replace, or modify its benefit plans and programs at any time and for any reason, in its sole discretion. No individual has a vested right to any benefit under a Sponsor's welfare benefit plan or program. This document does not create a contract of employment with any individual.
This role requires access to U.S. export-controlled information. If applicable, final offers will be contingent on ability to obtain authorization for access to U.S. export-controlled information from the U.S. Government.
Additional Information
GE Aerospace offers a great work environment, professional development, challenging careers, and competitive compensation. GE Aerospace is an Equal Opportunity Employer . Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, protected veteran status or other characteristics protected by law.
GE Aerospace will only employ those who are legally authorized to work in the United States for this opening. Any offer of employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of a drug screen (as applicable).
Relocation Assistance Provided: Yes
Lead CMM Programmer
GE Renewable Energy Power and Aviation

8 days ago