Industrial Mechanic
Aker Solutions
ProductionJob category
ProductionDet grønne skiftet er i full gang og Aker Solutions er nå i en veldig spennende vekstfase. Her får du ta del i hele livsforløpet til deres høyteknologiske produkter. Vi designer, utvikler, prosjekterer og leverer produkter som turbiner, regulatorsystemer, kontrollanlegg med mer. Dette gjør at vi raskt kan tilpasse oss, og levere nye produkter og design til våre kunder. For å få dette til er vi avhengige av et høyt kompetansenivå og er stadig på utkikk etter de beste hodene.
På Aker Solutions Tranby søker vi etter industrimekanikere.
What will you be doing?
We think you should have:
More reasons to work with us:
Flere grunner til å jobbe hos oss:
Vil du vite mer om stillingen kan du kontakte:
Robert Gulbrandsen - mobil 906 55434
Einar Marius Haaverstad - mobil 915 34486
Vi tar kontakt med aktuelle kandidater fortløpende!
Diversity and Inclusion
Our goal is to make Aker Solutions a place where everyone can perform at their best by creating opportunities for all. We see diversity as a source of creativity, innovation, and as a key competitive advantage. Diversity includes not only gender, ethnicity, or age but also disabilities, religion, sexual orientation, and many other parts of one's identity. We welcome your application no matter who you are or where you come from and encourage you to let us know if you need any supportive adjustments throughout the recruitment process.
Interested? Contact us.
Vil du vite mer om stillingen kan du kontakte:
Robert Gulbrandsen - mobil 906 55434
Einar Marius Haaverstad - mobil 915 34486
Vi tar kontakt med aktuelle kandidater fortløpende!
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Our goal is to make Aker Solutions a place where everyone can perform at their best by creating opportunities for all. We see diversity as a source of creativity, innovation, and as a key competitive advantage. Diversity includes not only gender, ethnicity, or age but also disabilities, religion, sexual orientation, and many other parts of one's identity. We welcome your application no matter who you are or where you come from and encourage you to let us know if you need any supportive adjustments throughout the recruitment process.
This is Aker Solutions
Aker Solutions delivers integrated solutions, products and services to the global energy industry. We enable low-carbon oil and gas production and develop renewable solutions to meet future energy needs. By combining innovative digital solutions and predictable project execution we accelerate the transition to sustainable energy production. Aker Solutions employs approximately 11,000 people in more than 15 countries.
På Aker Solutions Tranby søker vi etter industrimekanikere.
What will you be doing?
- Utføre demontasje, montasje, kontroll og tester av produkter til vannkraft og subsea produksjon.
- Stillingen krever aktivt samarbeid og kommunikasjon med andre operatører, bas, manufacturing / production support engineering og linjeleder, samt andre støttefunksjoner for produksjonen.
- Levere arbeid i henhold til gitte instruksjoner, tegninger og prosedyrer
- Sørge for at prosedyrer blir fulgt riktig og utfylt komplett
- Rapportere avvik
- Bidra til kontinuerlig forbedring i produksjonen, samt ta eierskap og del i lean produksjon strategi
- Arbeidssted vil være på Tranby
We think you should have:
- Fagbrev som industrimekaniker, eller annen relevant erfaring innen mekanisk industri
- Erfaring fra montasje av vannkraftprodukter er en fordel, men ikke krav
- Traverskran G4
- Trucksertifikat T4 (Ønskelig)
- Norsk og Engelsk, skriftlig og muntlig
- HMS og kvalitet, forståelse og etterlevelse
- Gode kommunikasjonsferdigheter
- Strukturert
- Pågangsmot og entusiasme
- Dedikert og endringspositiv
- Lagspiller med høyt fokus på samarbeid og nye initiativer
More reasons to work with us:
Flere grunner til å jobbe hos oss:
- Personlige utviklingsmuligheter i et stort internasjonalt konsern
- Gode pensjons- og forsikringsordninger
- Varierte og utfordrende arbeidsoppgaver
- 30 minutter kjøretur fra Oslo
- Gratis parkering og fri ladestasjoner for el-biler
- Gratis treningsmuligheter
- Bedriftshelsetjeneste
Vil du vite mer om stillingen kan du kontakte:
Robert Gulbrandsen - mobil 906 55434
Einar Marius Haaverstad - mobil 915 34486
Vi tar kontakt med aktuelle kandidater fortløpende!
Diversity and Inclusion
Our goal is to make Aker Solutions a place where everyone can perform at their best by creating opportunities for all. We see diversity as a source of creativity, innovation, and as a key competitive advantage. Diversity includes not only gender, ethnicity, or age but also disabilities, religion, sexual orientation, and many other parts of one's identity. We welcome your application no matter who you are or where you come from and encourage you to let us know if you need any supportive adjustments throughout the recruitment process.
Interested? Contact us.
Vil du vite mer om stillingen kan du kontakte:
Robert Gulbrandsen - mobil 906 55434
Einar Marius Haaverstad - mobil 915 34486
Vi tar kontakt med aktuelle kandidater fortløpende!
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Our goal is to make Aker Solutions a place where everyone can perform at their best by creating opportunities for all. We see diversity as a source of creativity, innovation, and as a key competitive advantage. Diversity includes not only gender, ethnicity, or age but also disabilities, religion, sexual orientation, and many other parts of one's identity. We welcome your application no matter who you are or where you come from and encourage you to let us know if you need any supportive adjustments throughout the recruitment process.
This is Aker Solutions
Aker Solutions delivers integrated solutions, products and services to the global energy industry. We enable low-carbon oil and gas production and develop renewable solutions to meet future energy needs. By combining innovative digital solutions and predictable project execution we accelerate the transition to sustainable energy production. Aker Solutions employs approximately 11,000 people in more than 15 countries.
Industrial MechanicAker Solutions
11 days ago